private practice



As Nutritional Medicine Practitioner | Clinical Practicing Nutritionist, it is my mission to help you restore your health naturally with food as medicine and other supportive lifestyle strategies. 

Genetics only explains a small percentage of the chronic health conditions experienced by almost 50% of Australian adults.  Diet and lifestyle factors are important epigenetic factors in the development of cardio-metabolic and other chronic conditions.  No amount of nutritional supplements or therapies will have any sustainable value, unless the foundation of holistic health is addressed as well.  Diet quality and quantity are important levers for health, as well as sleep, physical activity,  a sense of inner peace, connection with nature, family, friends as well as meaningful work and creative expression. 

Much can be achieved with the basic ingredients of life, sometimes all you need is a good recipe to follow.   This works for prevention as well as treatment.  An integrative approach with GP and/or specialist is preferred for long-term complex chronic conditions.







The focus is on health – solution based health planning

What you focus on is what you get.  Instead of diagnosing and treating disease, I teach you the nutritional medicine strategies that promote health and healing. Bringing the various systems back into balance, your body will be in a better state to heal itself.

Research and measurement
of results are key

I take baseline measurements at the initial consultation, and clients are welcome to share recent blood test and other results.  This generally provides sufficient information for an initial diet and healthy lifestyle action plan.  At times additional research is required such as pathology or nutrigenomic testing. It is an important aspect of practicing evidence-based Nutritional Medicine and achieving the health progress and results you are looking for as a client.

Personal Health Leadership in action

Ultimately you are responsible for following the recommendations and taking the actions that will lead to improved health outcomes. You may be prescribed some supplements to help you with your specific health issue, but this will be in a context of advise about your nutrition and new healthy habits and patterns to learn and embrace. You are an active participant in creating a healthier you, and I am there to guide you and support you on your journey of healing.

Addressing symptoms AND
underlying causes 

 An integrative and holistic approach to healing and nutritional medicine strategies for body, mind, heart and soul. The nutritional medicine strategies are personalised to your specific health situation, addressing both the symptoms and underlying causes of health imbalances. If you are currently undergoing treatment with a GP or Medical Specialist, great! It is important to look at your health holistically and bring the best of both worlds, natural and medical together for your benefit.

Life time benefits

There will be a time you will no longer need to see me in my practice. You will be happy with your health and have a deep understanding about what you need to stay healthy. You will have a personal toolkit full of nutritional and other lifestyle medicine strategies that work for you, and you will inspire those around you to make their health a priority. An investment in health and healing pays off in all areas of life. The dividends are priceless and include more vitality, connection, authenticity and joy!


Prior to the initial consultation you will be asked to complete some forms and questionnaires about your health concerns and health history.  This helps to save time during the consultation, and focus on what’s most relevant and important for you. 

The purpose of this consultation is for me to get to know you and understand more about your symptoms and your health and medical history. It also includes a base line health assessment.  Additional research may be requested if needed at this point, or later in the process.
You will receive an estimation of treatment timeframe, consultations and costs.   You will not be locked in to a plan or contract, and prefer results to do the talking.  Most clients experience positive results within the first 3 months, some even within days. 




Initial consultation 90  minutes  $350

Standard consultations are  45  or 60 minutes depending on requirements, billed at rate of $65 per 15min.

Phone/video consults are 15 or 30 minutes for follow-up consultations.

Payments accepted via EFTPOS or Credit Card during the consultation.

A 50% cancellation fee will be charged for less than 48-hour notice.

A 100% cancellation fee will be charged for less than 24-hour notice or non-attendance of scheduled appointment.





The purpose of a standard consultation is to review changes and improvements to symptoms and general health and wellbeing based on your feedback and change in measurable outcomes. Nutritional medicine strategies are revised and adapted to progress and results thus far and the feedback from additional testing methods.

In general, the Initial consultation is followed by a standard consultation within 2 weeks. Further standard consultations are spaced between 4 – 8 weeks during the first year on a needs basis. After the first year a quarterly, bi-annual or annual standard consult can be sufficient.


Please check your private health fund for Nutritionist rebates available to you.  Claims need to be submitted by the policy holder – Petra’s provider number is listed on the invoice. 

NDIS eligible.

This health service is not eligible yet for Medicare supported chronic disease management plans.




Sometimes all we need is a little reminder to get us back on track of healthy living. This is why I’ve created a one page Self Care Menu you can print out and stick on your fridge or family notice board where you will see it every day.  

Claim your FREE gift here and make sure to include something from your Self Care Menu every day. 

Thank you for claiming your free gift. Please check your inbox/junk mail for an email from me.