Personal Health Leadership


At Personal Health Leadership we specialise in nutrigenomic support for children with Autism. We adopt a person-centred approach, providing individualised and evidence based therapeutic and capacity building nutritional support.  When working with children we support families by equipping them with the nutritional knowledge and strategies they need to help their child thrive. 

What is nutrigenomic support?


Nutrigenomics is the science of influence of nutrients and diet on the activity of genes, potentially impacting health and disease risk. A comprehensive genetic test provides a nutrigenomic blueprint for personalised nutrition support to optimise health outcomes. 

Why nutrigenomic testing for children with Autism?

Current research shows high prevalence of food selectivity and/or food allergy and gastro-intestinal symptoms among children with Autism, resulting in essential micronutrient deficits that may trigger or aggravate physical and cognitive symptoms. Nutrigenomics is an emerging discipline that focuses on genotype-micronutrient interaction, and a useful approach to tailor low risk, personalised interventions through diet and micronutrient supplementation.   For more information see resources


Key points:


  • The test is non-invasive (saliva swab) and can be done in comfort and safety at home.
  • The nutrigenomic blueprint provides a wealth of information about the genetic set-up, status and ongoing genetic drivers for the health of your child. 
  • The nutrigenomic blueprint as a starting point, helps to clarify if and what further testing may be required. 
  • It empowers both the therapist and parents to support the child’s health with highly personalised and targeted evidence based nutritional strategies without guesswork, or unnecessary time and expenses on trial and error with further tests, assessments, diets and supplements.  


We partner with USA based 3×4 Genetics as they provide the most clinically relevant and scientifically supported form of testing available worldwide to our knowledge. 

Empower your family’s journey with Autism. Schedule your child’s consultation at our clinic to nurture their potential through personalised nutrition. (TeleHealth available) 

How I can Help



 Private practice

As  Nutritional Medicine Practitioner | Certified Practicing Nutritionist it is my mission to help you restore your health naturally with food as medicine and nutritional supplementation where beneficial.

Genetics only explains a small percentage of the chronic health conditions experienced by almost 50% of Australian adults.  Diet and lifestyle factors are important epigenetic factors in the development of cardiometabolic and other chronic conditions.  No amount of nutritional supplements or therapies will have any sustainable value, unless the foundation of holistic health is addressed as well.  Diet quality and quantity are important levers for health, as well as sleep, physical activity,  a sense of inner peace, connection with nature, family, friends as well as meaningful work and creative expression.



G.E.M.M. protocol

The G.E.M.M. Protocol (Gut Ecology & Metabolic Modulation) is a unique system of health care designed to harness the principles of Nature in helping to restore normal function to human cells. As the function of individual cells returns to normal, so too does the function of the disordered organs and systems that had allowed disease to flourish.

All aspects of the G.E.M.M. Protocol have their foundation in peer-reviewed scientific evidence, with the accompanying nutrigenomically-active G.E.M.M. formulations based on food-derived ingredients for which clinical trials demonstrate efficacy.


” You will find Petra a beautiful, caring and wonderful practitioner and you will be supported by her to achieve great health.”
